Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tieger-Baron Assessment

How I prefer to interact with the world is:
Extraverts (E) prefer to focus their attention and process the world on the outer world of people and things.

I process information:
Sensers (S) prefer to deal with information that is tangible, factual, and objective. They prefer data to ideas. They typically like spreadsheets, reports, charts, graphs, facts and figures.

How I make decisions:
Thinkers (T) base their decisions on objective logic. They are “black of white” thinkers and prefer logic and reasoning over emotion. They are typically “bottom line” oriented and want to make decisions that make sense to them.

How I like to live your life.
Judgers (J) prefer order, structure, and organization. They’re the “Things I’ve Got to Do Today” list makers. They like to feel in control of their environment and their life. They prefer to start a project, complete it, and then move on to the next. They are linear thinkers.

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